System settings
Unique Hits - setting the policy of counting unique hits.
Unique hits for All members- use counting unique hits for all sellers
in the system (not taking into account their IDs). Repeated visits from
the same IP for any buyer won't be counted as unique.
For example: if
there is a repeated visit from the IP already present in the IP
database, the visit will be counted as non-unique, regardless of the
account from which the visit came.
Unique hits for Each member- use counting unique hits for every member. Repeated visit from the same IP won't be counted as unique for this
seller, while the visit from this IP can be counted as unique for
another seller.
For example: repeated visit from an IP already listed in
the database may or may not be counted as unique, depending on the
seller from which the previous visit came. If this visit is unique for
this seller, the visit will be counted as unique.
Unique Hits Time- time interval, after which a repeated visit will be
counted as unique (time of visit non-uniqueness).
GeoIP Base – selecting the type of used GeoIP database (the database
according to which the user's country is defined).
Internal GeoIP database – use the internal GeoIP database
Server GeoIP database – use server GeoIP database. For using the server
database the server should have the mod_geoip module installed.
Mail Settings - choosing settings for e-mail features.
Admin E-mail - E-mail system administrator E-mail.
Path to sendmail or SMTP Server - setting the e-mail sending type. Path
to sendmail program or to the SMTP server.
For testing the settings of this section we recommend to send a test
message to your address using the mailing form at (
Time Zone – setting the time zone for the system time. This time is used
to log and display the statistics.
Apply daylight savings time conversion? – enabling or disabling the
option of applying daylight saving changes to the system time.
Use Cron – using cron service to run system events (stats rotation,
recounting of the traffic distribution database). The system can work
with cron enabled or disabled.
Used cron for rotate the statistics – using cron for running system
events. You will have to add several lines to the crontab config file
(see additional documentation).
Not Used cron – disable cron usage in the system.
Referrer Statistics – referrer page statistics. Keeping referrer stats
may be disabled to decrease server load or if such statistics type is
not necessary.
Enable the Referrer Statistics – use statistics showing referrer pages adresses.
Use full referrer - if this option is enabled, complete referrer URL is
logged, including symbols after '?' (QUERY STRING). Enabling this option
is not recommended for a purpose of decreasing server load.
Hourly Statistics - displaying statistics by hours
Enable the Hourly Statistics for Sellers - allow hourly statistics for
sellers. Disabling this option allows to save disk space. In such case
sellers will have hourly statistics for the current day.
Registration of members - registration of new users. You can allow the users to register as buyers or sellers without
administrator permission. Default settings can be specified in the
Default Seller and Default Buyer sections correspondingly. If you don't
want the users to register by themselves, you can disable this option.
Enable self registration to Sellers - allow registration for sellers. The
option is disabled and turned off automatically if no default traffic
types are specified in the Default Seller section. The registration
Enable registration to Buyers- allow self registration for buyers. The
registration link:
option is disabled and turned off automatically if not all the
requirements necessary for selling traffic are met. Necessary
requirements presuppose that after registration the buyer will be able
to receive the purchased traffic immediately, if he has money on his
account (it is supposed that a buyer is able to deposit funds to his
account using a merchant system), or has credit.
Requirements for enabling registration (Default Buyer section):
- countries and prices for sold traffic should be specified (Country & Price),
- maximum number of sold hits per day should be more than 0 (Maximum hits per day),
- at least one category should be specified for sold traffic (Traffic Categories),
- at least one trade mode should be allowed (Trade mode).
You can also allow buyers to purchase traffic on credit. For this a
maximum credit amount should be specified (Maximal Credit).
Notification – notices of the administrator and users about various events.
E-mail administrator when new account is added? - send the letter to administrator at registration of new users.
Send confirmation e-mail to person signing up? - send the letter with the notice to the registered users.
E-mail buyer when his money has changed? - send the letter to the buyer if his money account in system has been changed.
E-mail buyer if all his money has used up? - send the letter to the buyer at the termination of money on the account.
Traffic Categories – categories of web traffic allow to split traffic
according to niches and quality. Categories are used in selling and
reselling traffic.
AntiCheat- system for anti-cheat protection.
SE Bot hits(Count Search Engine Bots hits as cheat traffic) - Only unique Bot hits are counted.
Proxy hits (Count proxy as cheat traffic) - only unique proxy visits are counted as cheat traffic.
Cookie - use a cookie-based anti-cheat mechanism.
Test on Frame - detect cheating using frames (for all modes except Frame
Enable Random Formula in JavaScript - enabled script-based Random
Formula anti-cheat mechanism.
Enable JSEncode (for IE5 and later) - enable anti-cheat mechanism which
uses JSEncode for Internet Explorer 5 and higher.
Enable Cheatlog - keep a log of cheat attempts.
Statistics by Country - Here you can specify countries for which detailed
statistics is displayed (Raw, Uniq, Purchase, Money), which does not
depend on the countries from which the purchased or sold traffic comes.
This type of statistics is displayed in the administrator and user
interfaces. It is not recommended to specify more than 30 countries if
it is not necessary - it will allow to save disk space. It is also not
recommended to specify less than 5 countries, as it will affect the
reliability of statistics. You can choose several countries by
left-clicking them with Ctrl pressed.
Default Seller (for Sellers) - These settings are used in creating the
seller account. They are described in the "Seller Settings" section
Use these settings at creation of the seller by the administrator - this
option enables or disables usage of the specified settings while
creating the seller account by the administrator.
Default Buyer (for Buyers) - These settings are used in creating the
buyer account. These settings are described in the
"Buyer Settings" section
Forbid choose uniqueness of the traffic - enabling this option the buyer won't be
able to choose between unique and non-unique traffic and won't be able
to change the "Uniq hits Only" setting.
Forbid choose presence of proxy in the traffic - disallow the buyer to change the type of
purchased traffic (proxy traffic, only non-proxy traffic).