Settings for buyers of web traffic
Login - web traffic buyer login.
Password – web traffic buyer password.
E-Mail Address - traffic buyer E-Mail
Traffic Niche(s) – Niches of sold traffic. Used only as a note which can
be edited by the buyer and system administrator.
Remark/ICQ – administrator remarks about buyer (ICQ number,
payment information etc). This field can be viewed by administrator
Status – the buyer status can be either Active, or Suspend:
Active – usual status when the
buyer receives traffic
Suspend – blocked status when the traffic is
not received.
Money – money paid by the buyer for the traffic (advance
payment). The system works on prepayment basis, so if the account has no
money, traffic is not received.
Sold Traffic - amount of money equivalent to the amount of sold traffic.
Paid Traffic - amount of money paid for the purchased traffic.
Add - to deposit money on the account, or make payment for the traffic (used in the
account settings section).
Remarks - the comment for the given updating of the buyer account. The comment is shown in the log of money charges to accounts of traffic buyers.
Balance Money - the amount of money for which the seller
receives traffic (without credit amounts). If there is no money, no
traffic will be shipped.
Maximal Credit - maximum amount of credit for which the traffic will be
Traffic of Country & Price - here prices for the traffic from different
countries are assigned, as well as URLs where the purchased traffic
should go.
Maximum hits per day – maximum amount of sold traffic per day, measured
in 1000s of hits.
Uniq hits Only – used to enable selling only unique traffic (unique for
this particular buyer).
No Proxy hits – used to enable selling only non-proxy traffic.
To forbid to the user to change it – disallow the buyer to change this
Country - country code.
Price- traffic price for the specified type.
URL- address where the purchased traffic should go.
Traffic Categories – choosing the traffic of which categories (groups)
should be sold to the seller. There are 5 categories to choose from.
Category 1, Category 2 ... Category 5 - The
categories are used to sort the traffic in the system according to
niches (wallpapers, mp3, software) and to traffic origin (CJ, TGP, TOP).
buyer can purchase traffic of up to 5 different categories, as well as
uncategorized traffic. When assigning categories the value of traffic of
different categories should be taken into account.
Forbid a choice of a category of the traffic - with this option you can
forbid the buyer to change traffic category. Traffic of different
categories may have different prices, in this case changing the
categories is not allowed for the buyer.
Trade mode- Algorithm of traffic sending. If both trade modes are selected, in the main time the
traffic will be distributed according to the standard scheme, while in
the period of forces the mode will be set to force mode.
Enable Mode - allow the selected trade mode. If no mode is selected,
traffic won’t be sent.
Priority User - user’s priority when distributing traffic between users.
The higher the priority, the more likely this user is to be chosen when
sending traffic. Correspondingly, the higher is the priority, the more
traffic will be sold to this buyer. When the buyer has maximum priority,
all the traffic will go to this buyer. If the traffic is not purchased,
it will be distributed among other buyers according to their priorities.
We recommend using maximum priority when rare traffic is purchased, or
when it is necessary to send a certain amount of traffic to a seller
Standart – standard algorithm, when the traffic is distributed randomly
between the sellers, taking into account trade priorities.
Forbid to the user to choose mode of a trade - used to forbid a user to
change trade mode, enable or disable standard or forced mode.
Force settings – feature: force periods are set up as
closest force time and interval between forces. It is not necessary to
set the time of next forces, as it is calculated automatically.
URL for Force – URL where the traffic during the force periods should
go. If the URL is not specified, the traffic will go to the addresses
specified in the table above.
Next Force Hit Time – time and date of the closest force period. In the
brackets there is current system date and time. When specifying time it
is necessary to observe the date and time format, according to the one
in brackets. In the buyer’s personal cabinet a buyer can choose time
zone for setting force time.
Time Between Force – time interval between forces, can be 1 hour and
more. Specified in hours.
Number Of Hits To Force – number of hits (forces), which have to be sent
to the buyer during the above specified time.
Interval Time for Force – time, during which the system will be giving
out forces. If the time is missed no forces will be given out.
Forbid to show Referer Statistics - forbid the buyer to view referrer
statistics (links from which the traffic goes).
To the "Edit Buyer" section
Signup Date - date and time of account creation.
Inactive days - number of days since the last received hit.
! The edited data are accepted immediately, after saving the data the
database of traffic distribution between buyers is automatically
recounted. The traffic is then sent also to the edited account, or, if
the account is blocked, it immediately stops receiving traffic.